
Military Life from a Spouse's Perspective

The Homefront Team and the Brats are combining efforts to share our experiences with the military lifestyle so that others can fully understand the sense of community, sacrifices, benefits, and expectations we all share as members of a truly unique group of people. Each month we will feature a story shared by a Military Brat Team member, and a story shared by a Homefront Team member.

Military Life…. From a Spouse’s Perspective
Leslie Jeannet of Heart Adrift

Growing up in south Louisiana, I was constantly surrounded by family and friends – you see, southern living has a certain magnetism to it that keeps its natives near and never seems to let them drift far. When my heart became drawn to a “Navy Boy,” as my friends called him, red flags started flying. No one could understand why on earth I’d ever want to be involved with someone outside the city limits, let-alone someone who was in the military!

Fast forward over 4 years later and here I am: far from the family and friends I love dearly, but happier than I could have ever imagined because I married the man who captured my heart. Being a Navy Wife is one of the hardest yet most rewarding aspects of my life. In these short years I’ve learned what it is to trust someone more than I trust myself, gained a love and respect for my country that I’ve only ever heard my grandfather speak of, and realized that communication truly is the key to a successful marriage. Though only partially through his very first deployment, I can tell you one thing: strength finds you when you least expect it.

Thanks Leslie for sharing your story with us! Please visit Leslie's Shop, "Heart Adrift" and her blog, "The Jeanetts"

Also friend her on FB

If you would like to submit a story for this series please contact Jen at Brats of Etsy. You can also find us on Facebook.

1 comment:

oceankisses said...

Really nice interview! Beautiful shop items too! Thank you for sharing.